Sunday, September 03, 2006

Strange Summer

It has been a strange summer. I thought this summer was going to be HUGE for climbing but quite the opposite. Where is everyone?!? A lot of the regulars are well not regular. In fact they are absent.

For me personally it has been great. I have been out more this year than ever before and I have learned a lot. My secret...mornings!!!

I climb 2x per week in the wee hours of the morning. I usually meet Bob at Tim's at 5:00am on Tuesdays. Same on the weekend, either Sat or Sun, depending on whats going on at home. It is absolutely Awesome being down on MainFace when the sun is rising.

I am also surprised by who is willing to climbing with us at that hour. Jason, Leo and Tak have all come out with us at the crack of dawn.

Next Post...Candy

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