Middle Cove Beach has a short wall on the left side as you face the ocean. I boulder here in the summer...early morning before it becomes dirty with people. There is a nice traverse, left to right. It is about 30 feet long and probably goes at V3 or V4. I haven't done it clean yet.
The wall is about 10 to 12 feet high and is about 5 to 10 degrees overhanging. I have done a number of 'straight up' problems ranging from V0 to V3. There are more in the waiting.
To the far left is another face, a little higher but with fewer features. Lots of beach below it at low tide but wet at high tide.
One the right side of the bay there are some other faces, but they are decaying and always wet.
There is another
What do you mean about V0, V3 and V4.Are they the symbol of the velocity of your swimming?Aren't them.
The V scale is used to describe the difficulty of bouldering.
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