It has been a long time in coming. 3 years ago I began developing the Upper Face. I placed a fixed line to access the top. I used that line to set Obsession and Jug-or-Not. I have been up and down that line a dozen times and always thought it would be a fun easy route. Today I finally got back to it.
The rope was too old to trust so it decided to bolt it on lead using the fixed line as a back-up. Kim belayed me as I put in 6 bolts covering about 80 feet of terrain. Most of it is low grade 5.3ish stuff but there is one short face that requires a bit of actual climbing.
We took down the old fixed line, and placed a new set of top bolts for another route between Obsession and Life or Limb. You will be able to link route to Life and Limb for a 2 pitch climb.
I the midst of all the rope work Kim and I were doing today, twice I pulled her off her feet. The second time was much more spectacular because she was belaying above and to the right of the line I was working. When I weighted the rope, I pulled her off her feet and she began to swing into space. She pendulum'ed about 20 feet spinning the whole time. It is a strange thing to see your belay partner fall from above. Kudos to Kim, her brake hand never left the rope despite hitting her leg off the wall. Her leg was cut and she bled a bit (looked cool!). Life or limb, Kim kept me safe.
The climb starts at the highest point of the scree slope directly above German Face. There is a small ledge with a birch tree were you can belay. The first bolt is out to the left and the bolt spacing is fairly wide as I was placing these on lead. Note the black line denotes how to get to the base and the red dots are approximate bolt placements.