Friday, December 30, 2011
Happy New Year- 2012
Friday, December 23, 2011
O Holy Night
Monday, December 12, 2011
Viagra Classic Having a Hard Time Getting Up!
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Inaugural Climbing Club Meeting
Leo has informed me that the first meeting of a newly formed climbing club is at Wallnuts Climbing Center Tuesday November 8, 2011. This club will be organized and maintained by climbers like you and I. It's mission statement is yet to be written but I believe it is to be a group of climbers who are proactively approaching problems concerning access and other liability issues. It is likely going to be a chapter of the Alpine Club of Canada.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Looks like the end
Well it looks like the end of another season for outdoor climbing. I will not be able to climb outside for the next 4 weekends. That puts me squarely in mid November. I have two routes up I have not sent. I have a fixed line on another route begging for bolts. There is a small face we started to develop but never got back to. Then there is several other faces that people point out to me that they think will be really good.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Viagra Classic III
I have been thinking about having a Viagra Classic in the near future, but with a spin. Instead of having a prize for the strongest boulder, I going to have a prize for the best route setter!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Open Project
Distorted Perception 5.9
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Please don't snag my FA.
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Just a few pics.
Monday, September 05, 2011
DFO Climbing Area
I have heard through the grape vine that Justin has been developing a sea cliff behind the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO). He has all the details of how to get there, access and grades on I got to hand it to Justin, he finds a line and he goes after it. He has put up some bold lines on some really cool features. He has no problem lowering in over water. The man has nads!

Sunday, September 04, 2011
Just too much.
Kim and I were at Noobie Squeeze today. We got above the new over hanging face. I wanted to put in a set of rappel bolts so it would be safe to lower into the wall. Before I slung a tree but I don't want to have to rely on webbing, long term, for a rap anchor. I went up through a few tree to the base of another crag that is about 30-40 feet high. It might pan out something?
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Rumours of Phil
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Overhanging Face
Saturday, August 27, 2011
2 Climbers
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Nice Bulge 5.10b
Kim and I went up to Noobie Squeeze on Saturday with the intent on bolting my project. When we first got there, we scoped out a short overhung face which looks really promising for some hard terrain, something I have been looking for in Manuels. We briefly considered putting some bolts into that face but then decided to go with our original plan.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Bob at Rumney
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Next Project
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Flat Rock Fest
Friday, August 05, 2011
Rainy Weekend
Another rainy weekend! Everybody at work is talking about the summer that wasn't. Apparently the summer of 1993 was just like this. I could bitch and complain for hours about the weather. I have even been a bit tempted to look for a job on the mainland. But regardless, it looks like no climbing for me again this weekend.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Climbing Thieves
Bob and I went climbing this morning. We had been talking about retro bolting a couple of routes we developed in 2007. They were long trad lines but to be honest, they were scary because of poor options for placements. We have put up a lot of sport lines since and looking back, we figured we should bolt them for safety. These climbs are Noobie Squeeze (5.7) and Ankle Biter (5.6). There are a couple other lines on this faces called Lady and the Ramp (5.5) which allows access to the top and Arborist (5.7). These are all on Noobie Squeeze Face, the one people pass belo

Routes for mid level climber
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Before and After

Saturday, July 23, 2011
I'm Back!!!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Hire A Student

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The Apocalypse
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
East Coast Road Trip
Letter to Gripped.
Gripped does a great job of highlighting the climbing scene in Canada and I have always found your articles well done and interesting. I was looking forward to reading “East Coast Road Trip” because, being a climber from Newfoundland, that article must have something about our climbing scene.
I almost instantly had my doubts when the first article about the East Coast was bouldering on the shores of Georgian Bay, Ontario, over 2000 kilometers west of St. John’s. That didn’t give me an “East Coast” feel at all.
“Go East Young Man” gave a nice vignette of climbing in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. It discussed their colorful climbing community and classic climbing areas. Unfortunately there was no mention of our climbing community, which is truly unique.
Several of our crags are perched on the edge of the North Atlantic. The sound of crashing ocean waves is always at your back, punctuated by the occasional whale surfacing for a breath of air. We have a great range of climbs from the moderates to stiff sport climbs. Over 200 routes spread over 7 crags all within 30 minutes of St. John’s. We have big wall climbing at Devils Bay with granite unfolding for over a 1000 feet. And that is just one of hundreds of cliffs that plunge into the ocean on our shores. They don’t call us the rock for nothing.
We have an ever growing climbing community with some of the friendliest people you could have the pleasure to meet. An interesting mix of Irish, English and French heritage developed into a wonderful culture that is different from anywhere else in Canada.
So, come on out on your next ‘road trip’ and find out what Newfoundland has to offer, you just might be surprised.
I have no idea if it will get any attention or not but I thought I would share it with all of you. At least someone might read it.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Upper Face
Saturday, June 18, 2011
OCD 5.5 PG Trad

Thursday, June 16, 2011
This Time Last Year
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Fly Dope
Back in town now. I had to go to Ottawa for the week.

Thursday, June 02, 2011
Winter 2011 Damage

There has been a lot of damage to Main Face over the last winter. The pictures don't do it justice. The access ramp has had about 2/3's of it washed out towards the bottom. It is still very passable but one more season like 2011 and it may be completely gone. This was a man made ramp to allow heavy machinery down to the Main Face Area to harvest boulders for the Flat Rock Town breakwater. It is all soft dirt and easily wash away with high wave action.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Expansion Bolts

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Candy Gone Retro

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Bolting Ethics

Monday, May 23, 2011
German Face Topo
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Baby Face
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Boston Mantle 5.8
Bob and I had been talking about what we were going to work on this season as last year was a bit of a bust. We have a few things in mind; continue working the upper face, open up Noobie Squeeze area or putz around around on a short wall just before German Face. The short wall got our undivided attention today.

Anyone who has been to German Face knows exactly where this small face is. You pass it on your left just before you go up the hill to the bottom of German Face. It is about half the size in both height and width. The reason we went here is that the access is really easy to the top and bottom and we can quickly put up a number of moderate climbs. Bob was fartin around here 2 weeks ago and put in a set of top bolts. I put in 1 safety bolt and then put in a set of top bolts. After top roping it a couple of times, I put in 5 bolts to cover the 30-40 foot route.
It starts in the middle of the face behind a pine tree. The opening sequence is on fairly thin fingers but good feet. The route goes straight up to where I had to pull out a large loose block (left obvious scar). Use a couple of side pulls to clip a bolt just below a ledge. There is a large side pull to the left but very little else to help you get on up on the ledge. It requires an awkward mantle move. I would have been fairly heady move so a placed a bolt to protect that sequence. once the ledge is made, it is only a couple of moves to the anchors. If one were to fall there, it would be a bad ledge fall so one last bolt went in just before the anchors.
A lot of the bolt placement was secondary to the ledge in the middle so I thought that move should be integral to the name. I am off to Boston tomorrow so that was also on my mind hence...Boston Mantle. I goes about a 5.8 knowing the route. If you miss a couple of key holds, it will make it fell harder.
We figure that this will be a great learning area. We have yet to name it. We have thought about Baby Face, or the Elementary Wall. I don't know. Anybody have any thought to name an area that is specifically help introduce people to sport climbing? Leave a comment.
Tri WOD: Long Bike and Long Run Wk1
Thursday was a rest day.
Friday: Long Bike- 1hr at a moderate pace
Sunday: Long run- 30min at moderate pace.
If training for the sprint triathlong, if you can only do three work-outs per week, they should be the long easy ones.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Cl-WOD Endurance
Tri- WOD Wk1 Bike Short & Run Long Brick
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Cl-WOD Endurance 45 minutes
Strong for Summer
Saturday, April 09, 2011
It has been awhile.
We have had another stormy winter and the damage to MainFace has been significant. I haven't been down there myself but it sounds bad. The access ramp is almost completely washed out! It is only a couple feet wide in places. One more winter and that will likely be gone. For those of you unfamiliar with this area, Main Face is our best developed area. It has over 60 routes of sport, trad and mixed. It has some of the best climbs in the province. It is on a sea cliff with a nice wide ledge at the base. The best access was a wide ramp built by the military long ago so they could get heavy equipment down there to harvest boulders for a breakwater. That is what is washing away! Without it, the only access is to rap in and climb out.
Aside from that, a lot of ground has been washed from the base of most climbs. The starts have been extended by 5 to 10 feet of polished rock. Not very good if the opening moves on every route are about 5.12 before getting to the first bolt 20 feet up.
There has been a significant rock fall as well. The bottom half of the 'No Freebee's' wall has come off. The routes used to have a small roof about 12 feet up, then a bolt within 3 feet of that roof. About 8 feet above that was a long horizontal crack that would take a piece of pro. One more bolt above that and then the anchors at the top. Everything from the crack down has come off. Three 5.10's were on that section and the upper part doesn't appear stable. So it has been a hard winter on Main Face. I would think that Manuel's is fine where it is inland but Igor did some significant damage last fall...we will see.