I hope that I might be an octogenarian rock climber myself one day. For now I can handle just being 'old'.
The other night I said I had to get a 'little something up' on the blog about the classic. For the rest of the night it was all about how I couldn't get it up! Enough said!
Viagra II. My house (36 Cheyne Drive). Friday November 6, 2009. 7pm to 11pm. Please bring crash pads as I only have one. There will be a good variety of problems. The are several set by Matt and Kaleb. This should increase the challenge for you elite #@%$#'s. There is a problem that Kaleb says no-one will be able to do. I have yet to figure out a prize but I am thinking about a pot (5 buck a person winner take all). I have no idea how to get women to climb. Last year there were a good number showing but no one climbing. I'm thinking a wall rotation or something. I am open to idea's.
Trevor said he may bring some clips to watch after the throw down. Leo may have some pics of Squamish and I have some pics from the Gunks. A bit of a show after.
Directions: Newfoundland Drive-Carrick-Rt to Regent St-2nd Lt to Cheyne Dr.- Last house on Rt before the hill.